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New Humbold Fellow

The research group Mathur welcomes Associate Prof. Dr. Roman Surmenev!

Associate Professor Roman A. Surmenev is associate Professor and Director of Physical Materials Science and Composite Materials Centre at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) in Russia Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterlink

His research interests are concentrated, but not limited to, additive manufacturing, biodegradable alloys and scaffolds, piezoelectric materials, regenerative medicine, plasma-surface interactions, magnetron sputtering, thin biocompatible coatings etc.

Associate Professor Dr. Roman Surmenev will be working as a Humboldt fellow in Prof. Mathur's research group within at least 18 months.

More information on the research activities and group members of Dr Surmenev's research team at TPU are available Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterhere .