Prof. Sanjay Mathur appointed as Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM) that is ranked first in India and has a long-standing tradition of collaboration with Germany. Prof. Mathur was appointed in the scheme of the Government of India Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC). The photograph shows him receiving the appointment letter from the Director of IITM – Prof. B. Ramamurthy. Within SPARC program, the Government of India has funded bilateral projects with top 500 institutions worldwide including the project entitled Tailoring Tantalum Nitrides and Oxy- Nitrides & Designing Electrocatalytic Devices for Green Energy with the University of Cologne as partner. The Indian Coordinators are Prof. N. Ravi Kumar and Prof. Hari Kumar. The German Principal Investigators include Prof. Silke Christiansen (Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Dresden) and Dr. Heechae Choi, Group Leader, University of Cologne.
Prof. Sanjay Mathur appointed as Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM)