MRS Student Chapter

The MRS University Chapter at the University of Cologne is the first international university chapter recognized by both the Materials Research Society (MRS) and European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Our aim is to foster Materials Science as an interdisciplinary and international field of research at the University of Cologne. Established in 2013 the MRS University Chapter Cologne has established the Materials Science Lecture Series as a regular event with internationally acclaimed speakers. Student Mixers provide a perfect opportunity for undergarduate and graduate students to interact with the invited guests in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, we organize various events throuought the year and participate at the annual meetings of the American and European Materials Research Societies MRS and E-MRS.
All chapter activities are led by graduate and undergraduate students, supported by Faculty Advisors of the Department of Chemistry. If you are interested, join our team today and be part of of the MRS University Chapter Cologne!
Prof. Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Sanjay Mathur 430 322b
- Telefon
- +49 221 470-4107
David Graf 426/420
- Telefon
- +49 221470-7470 3099