Flüssigphasensynthese nanostrukturierter Materialien
Solvo-/Hydrothermal Synthesis
Solvo-/Hydrothermal materials synthesis is carried out in various autoclaves (Berghof) for up to a process temperature of 200 °C and autogeneous pressure of 200 bar.
Microwave Synthesis
Microwave assisted decomposition of precursors is possible with 2 commercial laboratory systems (CEM), thus reducing reaction times by increased heating rates. Reactions can be maintained under autogeneous pressure of up to 20 bar.
Up-scalled Synthesis
Up-scaling of synthesis procedures for molecular precursors and nanoscaled materials up to a total volume of 5 litres can be achieved by using the groups mini-Pilot reaction system (Büchi-Glas-Uster).
Thermal Decomposition
Thermal decomposition of precursors in high-boiling solvents yield highly crystalline quantum dots or nanoparticles using hot-injection or related techniques. Precise temperature control and precursor feed are essential for reproducible results.