The Department of Chemistry of the University of Cologne offers access to multiple NMR instruments ranging from 200 to 600 MHz with the possibility to measure 1H, 13C, 31P, 19F and many more heteronuclei including 27Al, 119Sn and 113Cd. Through 1D and 2D NMR experiments, also including hetero nuclei, a thorough characterisation of molecules is possible. The NMR instruments are frequently used for precursor characterization in the working group Mathur.
Please check the platforms' webpage for more information about the available instruments and measurement techniques.
The Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 can be used for UV-VIS Spectroscopy. Operating from 175 – 3300 nm, the characteristic absorption of chemicals, as well as surface functionalities can be measured. Using this technique additionally to the Spectrum 400, structural informations of the compounds can be investigated in more detail. Also the compositions of noble metal nanoparticles, drug release and absorption properties of different materials can be analysed using this instrument. Two different sample holders are available for analysing surfaces and liquids.
The Perkin Elmer FTIR/IR Spectrum 400 has great opportunities for qualitative analysis. Operating in the range from 400 to 4000 cm-1, chemical functionalities can be detected easily and fast, giving rise to structural informations. Solids and liquids can be measured using specific sample holders. In the working group of Prof. Dr. Mathur, this technique is used for the qualitative analysis of magnetic molecules, nanoparticles and surfaces.
Im Rasterelektronenmikroskop der Gruppe integriert ist ein Detektor für Energie-dispersive Röntgenspektroskopie (EDS). Mittels dieser Technik kann die elementare Zusammensetzung von Proben lokal aufgelöst im REM betrachtet werden.